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Call for Abstracts

We invite early-career researchers,  trainees, scholars, and professionals to submit abstracts for poster and oral presentations at the NeuroNovember Convention to showcase your innovative work. We accept submissions from all neuroscience sub-fields and invite everyone to engage with community members and experts. Submissions will be considered for oral or poster presentations, and selected abstracts may be published in the conference proceedings. All abstracts will be included in the conference's program book, which will be accessible to thousands of viewers. We may also include award categories in the submission. All updates will be emailed to presenting authors and will be made available on this page. The abstract submission deadline is 15th September 2024 at 11:59 PM EST (Extended).  For more information about submission guidelines, please visit this page.

Why submit an abstract?


Practice science communication skills into action


Share your research and projects with a broader audience


Meet potential collaborators for your research


Receive feedback from the broader scientific community


Highlight the opportunity on your resume/CV

Advancement Awards

Emerging Scholar

The application for the Emerging Scholar Advancement Awards will be launched in late July 2024. If you are experiencing significant financial hardship and would like to be considered for the financial aid awards, please wait to submit your abstract until further notice. Individuals who receive a financial aid award will be given a discount code for abstract submission that can be entered in the payment section. We suggest that you wait to submit your abstract until the August 5th September to 15th period, so that we can proceed accordingly based on financial aid status. Unfortunately, we are unable to give reimbursements.


Please note that these awards are limited and will be given to those who demonstrate outstanding qualifications.

Presentation Formats

Program Book Inclusion

Your abstract will be published in the conference’s program book. The program book will be available on the website and accessible to thousands of viewers.

Poster Presentation

Your abstract may be selected for a live 5-10 minute poster presentation during “breakout rooms” at the conference. These are interactive sessions.

Oral Presentation

A select number of abstracts will be chosen for live oral presentations. You will have 10 minutes to share your research, followed by a QnA session with the audience.

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