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abstract processing fee

NeuroNovember is a collaboration between two volunteer-led non-profit organizations. We depend on a modest abstract handling fee in order to cover the necessary administrative and logistical costs of the submission and review process. Trainees who are experiencing financial difficulties can apply for limited support through the Emerging Scholar Advancement Award.

​Fee structure

Postdoc / Grad students / <5 years post-college (Post-grad)
Undergrad Students
High School

Guidelines and Rules

Please make sure that you have read and understood these guidelines. Failing to adhere to them will result in automatic rejection.​


  • There are 4 categories under which you can pay the abstract handling fees-

i) High school student (All trainees who are currently a high school student or within 3 years of passing out/gap year)

ii) Undergraduate students (All trainees currently enrolled in an undergraduate program or within 3 years of graduating/gap year)

iii) Graduate students (e.g. Master’s, PhD, MD, MBA, etc.) and/or recent college graduates (within 5 years of graduation), Postdoctoral scholars and medical residents.

iv) Professionals (all researchers after post-doctoral fellowship, working professionals such as research scientists, doctors, etc.)


  • These categories are based on the current country of residence of the presenting author. We categorise countries based on income as those designated accordingly by the World Bank.  You can use this tool to calculate the abstract handling fees and get the type of ticket relevant to you.

  • The abstracts should be submitted by the presenting author. If the presenting author is facing difficulty in submitting the abstract please reach out to us at and we may consider an exception. 

  • We are unable to refund the abstract handling fee under any circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.

  • After you have made the payment you will receive the ticket PDF in your email. You will be prompted to enter this ticket number while submitting the abstract in the OpenReview portal. See the ticket example.


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